1365138298637 Nat Lang Tasks 224,191,234,206,187,250,208,239,236,205,243,245,203,233,216,200,231,197,209,225,247,199,238,242,217,212,248,201,220,188,214,186,249,127,229,196,204,240,211,190,194,235,221,198,244,246,207,227,252,223,237,213,226,202,215,232,251,222,185,230,218,192,195,219,184,189,241,228,193,210 1363725812215 1368724802324 127 Natural Language Online Parser 10 547 %phrase %Whatever_I_want_to_say 549 %NLP* 547 %apikey Set Me! 118 http://napi.maluuba.com v0/interpret phrase=%phrase apikey=%apikey text/* 547 %answer %HTTPD 547 %ANSWER %HTTPD 129 var json = answer, obj = JSON.parse(json); var info = ""; var index = ""; function enumObject(obj, info) { var add = ""; for(var propName in obj) { var infoLoc = info; if (infoLoc !== "") { add = "_" } if (isNaN(propName)){ infoLoc = infoLoc + add + propName } else{ index = parseInt(propName, 10) + 1 } if (typeof obj[propName] == "object") { subObj = obj[propName] enumObject(subObj, infoLoc) } else { var varName = "NLP_ENTITY_" + infoLoc + index setGlobal (varName, obj[propName]) index = ""; } } } setGlobal ("NLP_ACTION", obj.action) setGlobal ("NLP_CATEGORY", obj.category.toLowerCase()) obj = obj.entities enumObject(obj, info) 130 %NLP_CATEGORY_%NLP_ACTION 1365138298645 1365138298645 184 business_BUSINESS_SEARCH 10 548 The task for business_BUSINESS_SEARCH needs to be set up. 300 1365138298646 1365138298646 185 business_BUSINESS_RESERVATION 10 548 The task for business_BUSINESS_RESERVATION needs to be set up. 300 1365138298647 1368724887347 186 call_CALL_DIAL 10 548 The task for call_CALL_DIAL needs to be set up. 300 39 %NLP_ENTITY_contacts_phone_NUMBER1 9 %item %NLP_ENTITY_contacts_phone_NUMBER() 547 %contact %item 548 In phone 40 548 Calling %contact 39 %NLP_ENTITY_contacts_alias1 9 %item %NLP_ENTITY_contacts_alias() 547 %contact %item 548 In alias 40 39 %NLP_ENTITY_contacts_name1 9 %item %NLP_ENTITY_contacts_name() 547 %contact %item 548 In name 40 1365138298649 1367994998459 187 call_CALL_CHECK_MISSED 10 548 The task for call_CALL_CHECK_MISSED needs to be set up. 300 1365138298664 1365138298664 188 call_CALL_RESPOND_MISSED 10 548 The task for call_CALL_RESPOND_MISSED needs to be set up. 300 1365138298663 1365138298663 189 call_CALL_ACCEPT_INCOMING 10 548 The task for call_CALL_ACCEPT_INCOMING needs to be set up. 300 1365138298666 1365138298666 190 contact_CONTACT_SEARCH 10 548 The task for contact_CONTACT_SEARCH needs to be set up. 300 1365138298665 1367994133534 191 contact_CONTACT_ADD 10 548 The task for contact_CONTACT_ADD needs to be set up. 300 1365138298668 1365138298668 192 contact_CONTACT_SET_ALIAS 10 548 The task for contact_CONTACT_SET_ALIAS needs to be set up. 300 1365138298669 1365138298669 193 knowledge_KNOWLEDGE_SEARCH 10 548 The task for knowledge_KNOWLEDGE_SEARCH needs to be set up. 300 1365138298670 1365138298670 194 entertainment_ENTERTAINMENT_MOVIE 10 548 The task for entertainment_ENTERTAINMENT_MOVIE needs to be set up. 300 1365138298671 1365138298671 195 entertainment_ENTERTAINMENT_EVENT 10 548 The task for entertainment_ENTERTAINMENT_EVENT needs to be set up. 300 1365138298672 1365138298672 196 entertainment_ENTERTAINMENT_AMBIGUOUS 10 548 The task for entertainment_ENTERTAINMENT_AMBIGUOUS needs to be set up. 300 1365138298674 1368721105376 197 email_EMAIL_SEND 10 548 The task for email_EMAIL_SEND needs to be set up. 300 1365138298675 1365138298675 198 email_EMAIL_DISPLAY 10 548 The task for email_EMAIL_DISPLAY needs to be set up. 300 1365138298678 1368721122454 199 travel_TRAVEL_FLIGHT 10 548 The task for travel_TRAVEL_FLIGHT needs to be set up. 300 1365138298676 1368721115462 200 help_HELP_HELP 10 548 The task for help_HELP_HELP needs to be set up. 300 1365138298680 1365138298680 201 music_MUSIC_PAUSE 10 548 The task for music_MUSIC_PAUSE needs to be set up. 300 1365138298679 1365138298679 202 music_MUSIC_PLAY 10 548 The task for music_MUSIC_PLAY needs to be set up. 300 1365138298654 1365138298654 203 calendar_CALENDAR_SEARCH 10 548 The task for calendar_CALENDAR_SEARCH needs to be set up. 300 1365138298656 1365138298656 204 calendar_CALENDAR_CREATE_EVENT 10 548 The task for calendar_CALENDAR_CREATE_EVENT needs to be set up. 300 1365138298652 1365138298652 205 calendar_CALENDAR_MODIFY_EVENT 10 548 The task for calendar_CALENDAR_MODIFY_EVENT needs to be set up. 300 1365138298653 1365138298653 206 calendar_CALENDAR_REMOVE_EVENT 10 548 The task for calendar_CALENDAR_REMOVE_EVENT needs to be set up. 300 1365138298648 1365138298648 207 weather_WEATHER_STATUS 10 548 The task for weather_WEATHER_STATUS needs to be set up. 300 1365138298651 1365138298651 208 calendar_CALENDAR_AVAILABILITY 10 548 The task for calendar_CALENDAR_AVAILABILITY needs to be set up. 300 1365138298645 1365138298645 209 weather_WEATHER_SUNSET 10 548 The task for weather_WEATHER_SUNSET needs to be set up. 300 1365138298647 1365138298647 210 weather_WEATHER_DETAILS 10 548 The task for weather_WEATHER_DETAILS needs to be set up. 300 1365138298644 1365138298644 211 reminder_REMINDER_SET 10 548 The task for reminder_REMINDER_SET needs to be set up. 300 1365138298644 1365138298644 212 weather_WEATHER_SUNRISE 10 548 The task for weather_WEATHER_SUNRISE needs to be set up. 300 1365138298643 1365138298643 213 alarm_ALARM_SET 10 548 The task for alarm_ALARM_SET needs to be set up. 300 1365138298643 1365138298643 214 reminder_REMINDER_SEARCH 10 548 The task for reminder_REMINDER_SEARCH needs to be set up. 300 1365138298642 1365138298642 215 alarm_ALARM_CANCEL 10 548 The task for alarm_ALARM_CANCEL needs to be set up. 300 1365138298641 1365138298641 216 alarm_ALARM_CANCEL_ALL_ALARMS 10 548 The task for alarm_ALARM_CANCEL_ALL_ALARMS needs to be set up. 300 1365138298641 1365138298641 217 alarm_ALARM_SET_RECURRING 10 548 The task for alarm_ALARM_SET_RECURRING needs to be set up. 300 1365138298640 1365138298640 218 alarm_ALARM_MODIFY 10 548 The task for alarm_ALARM_MODIFY needs to be set up. 300 1365138298640 1365138298640 219 timer_TIMER_DISPLAY 10 548 The task for timer_TIMER_DISPLAY needs to be set up. 300 1365138298639 1365138298639 220 timer_TIMER_CANCEL 10 548 The task for timer_TIMER_CANCEL needs to be set up. 300 1365138298639 1365138298639 221 alarm_ALARM_SEARCH 10 548 The task for alarm_ALARM_SEARCH needs to be set up. 300 1365138298638 1365138298638 222 timer_TIMER_START 10 548 The task for timer_TIMER_START needs to be set up. 300 1365138298686 1365138298686 223 stopwatch_STOPWATCH_STOP 10 548 The task for stopwatch_STOPWATCH_STOP needs to be set up. 300 1365138298689 1365138298689 224 stopwatch_STOPWATCH_DISPLAY 10 548 The task for stopwatch_STOPWATCH_DISPLAY needs to be set up. 300 1365138298687 1365138298687 225 timer_TIMER_PAUSE 10 548 The task for timer_TIMER_PAUSE needs to be set up. 300 1365138298687 1365138298687 226 stopwatch_STOPWATCH_START 10 548 The task for stopwatch_STOPWATCH_START needs to be set up. 300 1365138298687 1365138298687 227 transit_TRANSIT_NEXT_BUS 10 548 The task for transit_TRANSIT_NEXT_BUS needs to be set up. 300 1365138298684 1365138298684 228 transit_TRANSIT_NEARBY_STOPS 10 548 The task for transit_TRANSIT_NEARBY_STOPS needs to be set up. 300 1365138298688 1365138298688 229 navigation_NAVIGATION_DIRECTIONS 10 548 The task for navigation_NAVIGATION_DIRECTIONS needs to be set up. 300 1365138298688 1365138298688 230 navigation_NAVIGATION_WHERE_AM_I 10 548 The task for navigation_NAVIGATION_WHERE_AM_I needs to be set up. 300 1365138298673 1365138298673 231 search_SEARCH_EBAY 10 548 The task for search_SEARCH_EBAY needs to be set up. 300 1365138298674 1365138298674 232 search_SEARCH_BING 10 548 The task for search_SEARCH_BING needs to be set up. 300 1365138298683 1365138298683 233 search_SEARCH_AMAZON 10 548 The task for search_SEARCH_AMAZON needs to be set up. 300 1365138298683 1365138298683 234 transit_TRANSIT_SCHEDULE 10 548 The task for transit_TRANSIT_SCHEDULE needs to be set up. 300 1365138298678 1365138298678 235 search_SEARCH_WIKIPEDIA 10 548 The task for search_SEARCH_WIKIPEDIA needs to be set up. 300 1365138298680 1365138298680 236 search_SEARCH_RECIPES 10 548 The task for search_SEARCH_RECIPES needs to be set up. 300 1365138298675 1365138298675 237 search_SEARCH_GOOGLE 10 548 The task for search_SEARCH_GOOGLE needs to be set up. 300 1365138298677 1365138298677 238 search_SEARCH_DEFAULT 10 548 The task for search_SEARCH_DEFAULT needs to be set up. 300 1365138298668 1365138298668 239 social_SOCIAL_FACEBOOK_SHOW_NEWSFEED 10 548 The task for social_SOCIAL_FACEBOOK_SHOW_NEWSFEED needs to be set up. 300 1365138298669 1365138298669 240 social_SOCIAL_FACEBOOK_SEND_MESSAGE 10 548 The task for social_SOCIAL_FACEBOOK_SEND_MESSAGE needs to be set up. 300 1365138298681 1365138298681 241 text_TEXT_SEND 10 548 The task for text_TEXT_SEND needs to be set up. 300 1365138298681 1365138298681 242 text_TEXT_DISPLAY 10 548 The task for text_TEXT_DISPLAY needs to be set up. 300 1365138298662 1365138298662 243 social_SOCIAL_FOURSQUARE_CHECK_IN 10 548 The task for social_SOCIAL_FOURSQUARE_CHECK_IN needs to be set up. 300 1365138298661 1365138298661 244 social_SOCIAL_FACEBOOK_WRITE_ON_WALL 10 548 The task for social_SOCIAL_FACEBOOK_WRITE_ON_WALL needs to be set up. 300 1365138298660 1365138298660 245 social_SOCIAL_FACEBOOK_SHOW_WALL 10 548 The task for social_SOCIAL_FACEBOOK_SHOW_WALL needs to be set up. 300 1365138298682 1365138298682 246 social_SOCIAL_FACBEOOK_SHOW_PHOTOS 10 548 The task for social_SOCIAL_FACBEOOK_SHOW_PHOTOS needs to be set up. 300 1365138298659 1365138298659 247 sports_SPORTS_MISC 10 548 The task for sports_SPORTS_MISC needs to be set up. 300 1365138298667 1365138298667 248 application_APPLICATION_LAUNCH 10 548 The task for application_APPLICATION_LAUNCH needs to be set up. 300 1365138298663 1365138298663 249 social_SOCIAL_FOURSQUARE_SHOW_CHECKINS 10 548 The task for social_SOCIAL_FOURSQUARE_SHOW_CHECKINS needs to be set up. 300 1365138298657 1365138298657 250 social_SOCIAL_TWITTER_SHOW_FOLLOWER 10 548 The task for social_SOCIAL_TWITTER_SHOW_FOLLOWER needs to be set up. 300 1365138298657 1365138298657 251 social_SOCIAL_TWITTER_SHOW_TRENDING 10 548 The task for social_SOCIAL_TWITTER_SHOW_TRENDING needs to be set up. 300 1365138298658 1365138298658 252 social_SOCIAL_TWITTER_TWEET 10 548 The task for social_SOCIAL_TWITTER_TWEET needs to be set up. 300