1355587132948 true 1367890531153 128 129 Now - Set 461 com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.SearchActivity com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox time to leave for* 1364670644215 1367891325098 176 183 Initialize nrVARS 123 1354166083481 true 1365298033964 226 227 Gmail - Set 461 com.google.android.gm.ConversationListActivityGmail com.google.android.gm 1358094425806 true 1364250904297 251 252 Calendar - Set 461 com.android.calendar.AllInOneActivity com.google.android.calendar 1354159776473 true 1363643987980 259 260 262 Call - Set 107 1354160225619 true 1364250839976 266 267 269 Call Priority - Set 107 home/*quinlan*/*school/Mom 1354160619607 true 1363644065359 271 272 274 Text - Set 147 1354160845028 true 1364250863024 278 279 280 Text Priority - Set 147 *quinlan* 1354166083481 true 1364250883956 281 282 Voice - Set 461 com.google.android.apps.googlevoice.SplashActivity com.google.android.apps.googlevoice 1305838416827 true 1364318627939 16 284 285 Reminder 165 %nrFLG() 1 165 %nrFLG() 2 1305838416774 true 1365200915980 16 286 287 Priority Reminder 165 %nrFLG() 2 1354166083481 true 1365298282256 36 43 Astrid - Set 461 com.todoroo.astrid.activity.TaskListActivity com.timsu.astrid 1354159693165 Notification Reminder 128,266,286,284,278,176,226,271,36,259,251,281 291,21,294,272,248,274,129,227,267,280,183,282,252,279,285,43,249,269,262,287,260,110 hd_navigation_refresh 1362975189112 1364251533556 110 Clear All Flags 39 %idx %nrFLG(#?*) 547 %nrFLG(%idx) 0 40 1355587137262 1367887888931 129 130 getTableIndex %evtprm1 %idx 547 %nrFLG(%idx) 3 2 %nrFLG(%idx) 2 1364670676720 1367891285364 183 547 %nrFLG1 10 %nrFLG1 0 547 %nrFLG2 10 %nrFLG2 0 115 Google Search %nowpkg 37 %nowpkg 9 130 getTableIndex Google Search %idx 547 %nrTXT(%idx) (?i)time to leave for 38 159 Initialize nrVARS 1362620262530 1367889302189 21 getTableIndex 2 547 %idx %nrLBL(#?%par1) 37 %idx 5 0 126 %idx 547 %idx %nrFLG(#<) + 1 547 %nrLBL(%idx) %par1 38 37 %nrPKG(%idx) 10 130 getPackageName %par1 %nrPKG(%idx) 547 %nrFLG(%idx) 0 38 547 %nrTXT(%idx) 10 %nrTXT(%idx) .* 1354166087409 1365298033964 227 130 getTableIndex %evtprm1 %idx 547 %nrFLG(%idx) 3 2 %nrFLG(%idx) 1 547 %evtprm2 1 *priority sender* %nrFLG(%idx) 2 1330314242434 1367880053104 248 Notification Reminder 10 1 37 %SILENT 1 off/vibrate 62 %myUSER 1 absent 0,300,200,300 62 %myUSER 1 present 0,70 38 192 %myUSER 1 absent Procyon 1330314242546 1367880061100 249 Priority Notification Reminder 192 Nextel Ringer 8 62 0,200,500,200,2000,200,500,200 1358094436719 1364250904297 252 130 getTableIndex %evtprm1 %idx 547 %nrFLG(%idx) 3 2 %nrFLG(%idx) 2 1354159781971 1363643974820 260 547 %nrFLG1 3 2 %nrFLG1 1 1354160054042 1363643987980 262 547 %nrFLG1 0 1354160231208 1363644012235 267 547 %nrFLG1 2 1354160281437 1364250839976 269 37 %PACTIVE 1 *,call - set,* 547 %nrFLG1 1 43 547 %nrFLG1 0 38 1354160624545 1363644059215 272 547 %nrFLG2 3 2 %nrFLG2 1 1354160714589 1363644065359 274 547 %nrFLG2 0 1354160867622 1363644076369 279 547 %nrFLG2 2 1354160918545 1364250863024 280 37 %PACTIVE 1 *,text - set,* 547 %nrFLG2 1 43 547 %nrFLG2 0 38 1354166087409 1364250883956 282 130 getTableIndex %evtprm1 %idx 547 %nrFLG(%idx) 3 2 %nrFLG(%idx) 1 547 %evtprm2 1 *quinlan:*/*mom:* %nrFLG(%idx) 2 1342796155763 1364318608495 285 130 Check Notifications 130 %nrFLG() 11 1 Notification Reminder 1358106621080 1365200915980 287 130 Check Notifications 130 %nrFLG() 11 2 Priority Notification Reminder 1362528018986 1367888087150 291 getPackageName 10 2 123 dumpsys notification | grep pkg\= | sed -e s/.*pkg\=// -e s/[[:space:]].*// | sort | uniq | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/,/g' %packages 590 %packages , 39 %package %packages() 115 %package %applabel 547 %applabel 1 %par1 %packagename %package 40 126 %packagename 1330314242434 1365355933520 294 Check Notifications 10 123 dumpsys notification %notify 598 %notify Lights List.* 40 547 %match 5 0 %nrFLG(%idx) 0 40 547 %Notify %notify 357 %notify 590 %notify NotificationRecord 356 %notify 39 %idx %nrPKG(#?*) 547 %match 0 39 %nidx %notify(#?*) 547 %notify(%nidx) 11 pkg\=%nrPKG(%idx) [\n\s\S]*tickerText\=.*%nrTXT(%idx) %match 1 1354166087409 1365298184047 43 130 getTableIndex %evtprm1 %idx 547 %nrFLG(%idx) 3 2 %nrFLG(%idx) 1 547 %evtprm2 1 *priority sender* %nrFLG(%idx) 2